A Decade of iPhone

Letter From Editor

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I want to express my creativity by creating a website from scratch. Having a strong knowledge of HTML and CSS has helped me design a simple website with lots of content. I am grateful that this project came out the way I thought about, and I believe it is one of the best websites I ever made.

I had several topics in mind, but I chose to narrate the history of the iPhone and my impressions because technology has changed my life in many different ways. I don't have to carry a phone, an iPod and a camera everywhere I go, I can just carry one device and it does almost everything. The launch of the iPhone changed how we use technology daily. Over the years, we have witnessed how the iPhone gained many features that are helpful in our lives. Also, iPhone apps are replacing many things we used to do in the past. For example, we can request a ride using the Uber app instead of calling a taxi company, we can order food from hundreds of chain and local restaurants instead of calling and driving to pick it up, and control our house lights on the iPhone instead of flipping the light switch.

On this website, you can find a timeline of the iPhone, from its launch up to the most recent model. I added some pictures and videos captured with iPhones I owned. I also wrote my impressions and a list of apps I used. Lastly, I gathered all sources into a webpage with links to other helpful websites.

I hope this website brings some nostalgia to you.